A. Structured Learning: Hours may be counted for successful completion of qualifications or training programmes and hours may be counted for lecturing in or presenting of such qualifications or training programmes.In both the above instances the qualifications or programmes have to comply to at least one of the following:

  1. Professional qualification certified by the Quality Council for Occupations and Trades; or
  2. NQF-certified qualification recognised by the relevant Qualifications Authority; or
  3. NQF-aligned training programmes approved by the IBASA’s CPD Committee and listed on the IBASA website as “IBASA Recognised Training Programme”.
  4. Formal training programmes approved by the IBASA’s CPD Committee and listed on the IBASA website as “IBASA Recognised Training Programme”, which programmes are not necessarily NQF-certified or NQF-aligned.

B. Unstructured Learning: Hours may be counted where proof can be provided for attendance and/or participation in seminars, webinars, discussions, meetings, or events relevant to business advice; as well as self-study, reading of books or articles, writing and publishing of professional, technical or academic articles, papers or books, hands-on IT or project work, or participation in media shows or publication of media articles.

C. Practicing as Business Advisor: Hours may be counted for invoiced time spent in offering business advice, training, mentoring, coaching or consulting to SMMEs, startup businesses, or prospective entrepreneurs.

 HOURS REQUIRED: The total hours for Structured and Unstructured Learning activities combined should be a minimum of 40 hours, and the total hours for practicing as Business Advisor is also a minimum of another 40 hours per annum.

NOTE: CPD hours from organisations with an MOU with IBASA are allowable subject to the minimum requirements above.



  • Attach a course description and letter from the program director / coordinator of the education institution where a course is taught. The letter must be on the institution’s letterhead.
  • Attach course completion certificate and transcript.


  • Attach a statutory declaration (available online) if you attended a free event, have viewed a recorded version of an accredited CPD event, or participated in online “real time” courses, streaming video, web and / or teleconference courses.
  • Attach proof of purchase of a recorded version of the accredited CPD event.
  • Attach attendance certificate with service provider details, course title, venue and duration.
  • Workshops/Conferences/Breakfast meeting/colloquium-Attach final agenda/contact details of event organiser, proof of payment for an event if applicable.
  • If research publication – attach article, report, presentation.
  • Meetings – attach page showing attendees and apologies section of the minutes.
  • Self-study – List of books, journals, online references accessed and date of access using Harvard Referencing System.
  • Webinars -validation certificate.
  • Participation in print and electronic media – Copy of invitation, media print out, media recording or links to media recording.
  • Lecturing/Workshop facilitation – Workshop Agenda, Course outline on letter head of institution including attendance, venue, date etc.,
  • Proposal/concept notes – List of proposals/concept, date of submission/client.


  • Business Advising – List of clients supported, client contact details and hours invoiced.
  • Managing Business Advisors – List of business advisors managed, Project/Programme Managed and hours invoiced, Client contact details.

Download the CPD Policy 

We would also like to encourage our members to take a moment and update their information by clicking on the link: Member Information Update From

NB: Check with IBASA secretariat ( if proposed evidence is acceptable for identified activity.